So after another amazing show the last night in Milan, it was time yet again to move on. Kamilla and her family went to Venice over the weekend while I stayed in Milan with Kevin. We were all taking the train to Rome around the same time, so we'd meet at the central station sometime in the early afternoon.
Kevin and I checked out of the Westin in Milan at 10:30. Kevin took the train to Brussels and stayed with Philippe for the Dutch shows. We walked to Milan central station, and while Kevin bought his reservation ticket, I had my last taste of Gelato! (well for a couple of hours...)
As we went up to the train platform level, I saw Jon, Robbie, and Pat stood at the top of the escalator. They were going out to lake Como for the day, and, like us, had to wait till their platform was announced.
Jon, Robbie, Kevin and Pat Kim, Joe and Zach arrive in Rome.

We chatted for a good fifteen minutes before all five of us headed off to our respective platforms, saying we'd no doubt see each other soon.
I caught the 11:15 train, and it was due to arrive into Rome at 3:00 P. M. I knew Kamilla's train from Venice left at 11:30, and I knew it would stop at Bologna 30 minutes after mine was due to. When I got to Bologna, I jumped off my train and found the platform where Kami's train was due. She had told me her carriage number earlier, so when their train arrived, I made my way to carriage 7 to surprise everyone. There was another two and a half hours on the train, and it was cool to just sit and have someone to chat to, especially since my laptop was broken. It was killing me being on a train for several hours with no laptop and no one to talk to. They were all telling me how nice Venice was and how much they had enjoyed it. I've always wanted to go, and I will one day. Kami, Kim, Joe, Zach, Mark and Beth were all sleeping on the train before I arrived due to them being exhausted with the sightseeing and early mornings in Venice.
Joe and Zach were staying at a different hotel to us somewhere West of Rome. Kim, Kami, and I were sharing a triple room while Mark and Beth were in the room next door. We took two taxis to our hotel, and Joe and Zach came to our room to chill out and shower before heading over to their hotel later on that night.
We all rested up for an hour before Mark suggested we go see the Pantheon before it closed at 5:30. We took a couple more taxis and arrived 10 minutes later.
The inside of the Pantheon, Rome is amazing. It's difficult to get pictures that do it justice due to the size. The Italian painter and architect Raphael is buried there. The building is filled with amazing statues and busts.
After spending a good half hour inside, we made our way out to take some pictures and find something to eat. Beth wanted some Gelato, and never one to miss a chance, I agreed that Gelato would be good. Mark said he read that the best Gelato shop in Rome wasn't too far from where we were. The store was absolutely packed with people, and it took us a good 20 minutes to get through the line. Was it worth the wait? You bet! It was the best Gelato I've had in Italy!
We then took the fifteen minutes walk through the streets of Rome to the Trevi Fountain. I didn't see it the last time I was in Rome, but as impressive as it was, it was a bit too over-the-top for my liking. Obviously it attracts the tourists. However, it was here that I proved without a shadow of a doubt that I AM Spartacus! Zach tried to imitate me but was duly slaughtered by the sword!
It was both Joe’s and my birthday the next day, and we decided that we would have a big dinner tonight with the seven of us to celebrate since we had to be up VERY early Friday morning for the train to Pompeii. We found a nice restaurant just around the corner from the fountain in a nice little courtyard with tables outside where we sat and ate and drank for a couple of hours. We then headed back over to the fountain to see it lit at night. After that we all walked to the Spanish Steps where I stood in the middle of the road dodging oncoming traffic just to get some pictures of us all.
By this time it was going on 10 P.M. and we were all tired from the day's traveling and five hours sightseeing! After various “No its this way, no its that way,” conversations, Kami took hold of the map and a 30 minute walk later, we were back at the hotel. Joe and Zach started out to their hotel, but they had no idea how to get there. They started by looking for the bus! Kami and I found a little bar about 100 yards from the hotel with tables outside and sat there drinking (Fanta and Coke!) till the clock turned midnight, so we both saw my birthday arrive. About 20 minutes after arriving at the bar, Joe and Zach walked pass Kami and I, nodded, and carried on walking! It was so funny, Kami and I just looked at each other and shook our heads! They finally got to their hotel at 2 A.M! We got back to the hotel just after midnight and had an “early” night since we had a full day of sightseeing planned for Thursday.
Love the family portrait there, so nice!
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised you've never been to Venice, I thought by now you'd been everywhere!
Julie :)
Nice to get the travelogues back. I especially love the pictures, I am planning a trip to Europe when Hannah is in college and am using this as a template. And Si, live the comment that you found an "Italian Restaurant".