
Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Oakland show….

Kami and i walked over to the venue around 6pm thinking we could get something to eat at the venue before the show, however there was nothing around at all! and the venue wasn't opening the doors till 7pm. We hung outside for a while and i had a couple of friends i was meeting up with.
I called my friend Dave to see where he was, he was in the line to et in the venue. As we were talking i spotted another friend “Bear” he runs the Echoes mailing list and i hadn't seen him since Live 8 in 2005. Had a quick chat with him and his wife and said we would catch up in San Jose, hopefully we will.
I arranged to meet Dave inside when we got in and then got a call from my friend “Big Al”  hadn't seen him either since the Dark side shows out in CA and he had brought his sister along to see the show but they still didn't have tickets so were on the hunt around the venue for tickets for the show.
At 7pm Kami and i headed into the show, we saw Marky Lennon who had a couple of guests with him and he introduced us to them they were a great couple from Hawaii and little did we know just how great they were!!
We wandered around the venue and went up to see Dave for 5 minutes before taking our seats for the show. As luck would have it we were actually sat next to Marky's friends!!
Greg and Shelly                                Greg, Kami and Shelly                       Greg, Shelly and Kami
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We became instant friends with Greg and Sherlly, they hadn't seen the show before and were big fans of Venice as they knew all the Lennon brothers and were as i said guests of theirs. They also knew how to party! we had such a good time with them seeing the show, it made all the difference from normally Kami and i sitting by ourselves.
Roger was on great form as was Dave, his solo during Comfy was incredible, certainly one of the top 5 I've seen so far on the tour. Roger added a couple of little nuances the last few shows, when he does Goodbye Cruel Word, he started holding his hand and doing a little wave every so often. During the end of Waiting for the Worms when he is shouting through the megaphone he has started to do a Wanking (masturbating) motion with his microphone!! I've googled the lyrics to see at what point he is doing it and what relevance it has but cant find anything!! he's done it at at least the last 4 shows. Watch Roger  when the hotel room comes down at the beginning of Nobody Home, he is sat in the chair in the dark and as the lights come on he looks out to the audience each time as if he’s only just noticed they are there and looks at them in shock and surprise. There's a few other little things he’s changed up the last few shows but they escape me at the moment, when they come back I'll add them into another post.
Sherlly having fun
I had a couple of people recognise me from my blog who i didn't know, “Duke” came up to say hi at the end of the show, he was a huge Who fan and good friends with Marc Stark whom id met up with in Florida, was great to meet you Duke and hope you enjoyed the show!
Myself and Duke                            Greg, Shelly, Me and Kami after the show.    Kami and Shelly
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We exchanged cell phone numbers with Greg and Shelly as we had all had such a good time and spoke about meeting up in San Jose and going out for dinner one night. After the show we headed out to The Yard House for a couple of beers before everyone made their ways back to their hotels and we got back to Costa Mesa around 12:30am.


  1. I'm not sure which San Jose show, but Matt Levitz, who runs the Venice website, will be at one of them with his wife, I imagine Greg & Sheryl know him and might point him out to you.

    All these changes Roger has made really convince me that the NA tour is just one big extended rehearsal, and that you guys are going to get the *real* show in EU next year!

    Julie :)

  2. Greg & Michelle Wright4:23 am, December 10, 2010

    Simon & Kami,

    Wow, thanks for sharing the evening again with us. We had such an amazing evening...truly the highlight of our most recent days. The first half of the concert I remembered but during intermission visiting with the Lennons drinks were over flowing. Second half was foggy but these photos bring the whole night back into memory. We had the best time with you both. Now we know were to find you we will follow your travels. If you ever get to Lake Tahoe our home is yours. Blessings.... Greg & Michelle
