
Sunday, September 19, 2010

The party’s started and we haven’t even left the airport!

Philippe, Thomas, Maria and Jens making the best of the 35 minute delay:
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Few pictures of the meet ups we had in Toronto:

Goodbye Toronto…..

Just arrived at Toronto airport, Jens, Philippe, Thomas and i made the drive out this morning, dropped the rental car off and checked in.

Myself, Jens and Thomas at the airport:

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The crazy Danes checking in:

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Took us probably an hour to get checked in, you actually clear customs and US immigration  here in Toronto before you fly which is cool, speeds things up at the other end when we arrive in Chicago!. I'm definitely gonna miss Toronto, I've become to like it a LOT! the people are real friendly and I've yet to go anywhere else in the world where i put the radio on in the rental car and hear April Wine’s “I Like To Rock” !! I've been an April Wine fan since i was a kid and never thought id hear them on the Radio! They are Canadian so i guess.

Toronto show 3….

Just back from the 3rd and final night in Toronto, fantastic show, amazing sound, didn't spot any mistakes. Rogers having a great time and enjoying himself onstage. Watched the first half of the show from the front rail to the right (Dave K laughed when he saw me) and the second half from the soundboard. Its a different show in each position. At the front you don't get any real idea of just how huge the projections are but you do get to see Roger and the band close up and the interactions with the band onstage.
Fly out to Chicago tomorrow along with Jens, Thomas, Philippe and Maria, were all on the same flight and am already looking forward to seeing everyone there.