
Saturday, May 07, 2011

Stockholm to Copenhagen

We took the 10 A.M. train to Copenhagen today. It was a 5-hour trip, and we arrived for about 3:30 P.M. There was WiFi on the train, at least, which made the journey go so quick!
They had a great display on the walls in the train station in Malmo where we stopped for a minute--kind of hard to explain, but there are projections on either side of the station wall of animations that make it look like you're in a train that's moving when you're not! The video below gives you a rough idea, but it can't convey how cool it actually looked!
The "art" at Malmo train station

We arrived at Emil and Kit's around 5 P.M. to meet up with Phil, Laila, Philippe, Rainer, Judith, Emil, Kit, and Lars. Emil has an awesome home stereo system that he took outside, enabling all of us to listen to music for the party :)
The banner in Copenhagen train station declaring a “RogerFree Zone” and the sign on Emil's door telling us where they were and to watch out for the rotating knives!!!
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Emil's outdoor entertainment system!

Laila, Lars, Kit, and George                                                               Rainer and Judith
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Kit cooked an amazing amount of food for us all, the weather was fine, the sun was out, and we had a great few hours down in the garden. George from Austria joined us later on, and around 9 P.M. Phil and I took the metro to the airport to meet our friend Bibi flying in from Switzerland for the show.
When the three of us got back the party was in full swing. The Belgium Palm beer was flowing, as was the homemade schnapps--Kit and Emil make their own. Emil showed us his “real” stereo system--he blew us away with Amused To Death on vinyl on the most amazing system. It sounded incredible.
Emil's CD and vinyl collection                                                                                        Bibi arriving at the airport
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30 minutes later, Rainer, Judith, and I  went to sleep in one of the spare rooms. I woke around 2 A.M. to hear Kevin and the others still partying! It's now 9 A.M. I'm all showered, shaved, and ready to go, and the rest of the gang are all still sleeping on the floor. I love being a morning person :)
Looks like it was a good night!                                                                    Homemade schnapps
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