
Thursday, May 03, 2012

For the 1st time today.

Yesterday I was on United Airlines inaugural flight from Manchester to Washington DC. There were celebrations at the gate in Manchester as the plane that had left Washington's IAD airport the previous night arrived. The Managing Director of United Airlines and lots of other “suits” were waiting at the gate in order to cut the ribbon before the passengers boarded the plane.

“Suits” and the ribbon cutting             Bagels and cupcakes at the gate      My invite.

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Thanks to my buddy James, I was in 1st class on the flight over, and we were all given a “certificate” for being on the inaugural flight as well as a small box of chocolates as we boarded.

I’m here in Virginia till early next week, and then I fly up to Newark to meet James. James and I will fly out to San Francisco for the show and to meet up with the rest of the gang.